I am currently pursuing a master’s degree in System Science at the Institute of Complexity Science, Qingdao University.

My research interest includes:

  • Broad Learning System
  • Deep Learning
  • Statistical Analysis and Prediction
  • Natural Language Processing

I helped my friends sort out the review material for the postgraduate entrance examination of “863 Probability & Mathematical Statistics” (with few mistakes). [Download]

🎓 Educations

🔥 News

  • 2024.09: 🔥🔥Our paper that titled “Double-kernel based Bayesian approximation broad learning system with dropout” was accepted to published in Neurocomputing [Link].
  • 2024.07: 🔥🔥Our presentation theme “Bayesian approximate broad learning system with dropout structure” won the Outstanding Academic Innovation Achievement Award of the 3rd Graduate Student Innovation Achievement Exhibition of Qingdao University in the Summer Semester of 2024.
  • 2024.06: 🔥🔥Our paper that titled “DACBN: Dual attention convolutional broad network for fine-grained visual recognition” was accepted to published in Pattern Recognition [Link].

📚 Programs

  • 2020.04 - 2021.04, Student Development Support Program of the 5th “Excellent Talents Scheme” of Anhui Agricultural University, XSZZ202006, Sales Volume of New Energy Vehicles and Stock Market Fluctuations and Public Opinion Survey Analysis, Host, [Notice] or [List]

📝 Academic Publications

English Papers

Neurocomputing 2024
  • Chen T, Wang L J, Liu Y, et al. Double-kernel based Bayesian approximation broad learning system with dropout[J]. Neurocomputing, 2024, 610: 128533. [HTML]
  • Chen T, Wang L J, Liu Y, et al. DACBN: Dual attention convolutional broad network for fine-grained visual recognition[J]. Pattern Recognition, 2024, 156: 110749. [HTML]

Chinese Papers

Control Theory & Applications 2024
  • CHEN Tao, WANG Lijie, LIU Yang, XU Lili, YU Haisheng. Bayesian approximate broad learning system with dropout structure[J]. Control Theory & Applications, 2024, 41(x): 1-10. [HTML]

📖 Honors and Awards

  • Year 2024 Won The Outstanding Academic Innovation Achievement Award of the 3rd Graduate Student Innovation Achievement Exhibition of Qingdao University in the Summer Semester of 2024.
  • Year 2022 Won The second prize of Shandong Graduate “AI+” Innovation Competition.
  • Year 2020 Won The second prize of the 18th SuperMap Cup GIS Competition, the third prize of the 10th National College Students’ Market Survey and Analysis Competition and the first prize of Anhui Division, the first prize of Anhui Computer Game Competition for College Students, etc.
  • Year 2019 Won The third prize of the 9th National College Students’ Market Survey and Analysis Competition and the first prize of Anhui Division, the third prize of graduate group of Anhui College Studens’ Statistical Modeling Contest, etc.

💬 Forums and Conferences

  • 2024.07, The 3rd Graduate Student Innovation Achievement Exhibition of Qingdao University in the Summer Semester of 2024, Qingdao, Shandong.
  • 2024.05, The 8th China Systems Science Congress, Wuhu, Anhui.
  • 2023.05, The 2023 Postgraduate Academic Salon of Qingdao University “Realistic and Innovative, Research and Practice”, Qingdao, Shandong. [Notice]

💻 Internships

  • 2022.10 - 2023.06, Engineering Journal of Wuhan University Editorial Department, Internship Editor.
  • 2021.05 - 2021.08, Hefei Xiaolu Data Information Technology Co., Ltd., Cloud Computing Engineer.